Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wrapping Up the Week

I mentioned that I had pink eye Wednesday. In my right eye. And just my luck, I ended up with it in BOTH eyes. So I've been pretty miserable this week with sickness. But antibiotic eye drops and DayQuil did the trick, and I'm on the mend finally! The weather here is so crazy too. No snow, but cold one day and in the 60s three times next week (including 66! Tuesday). I still managed to work out on Friday morning and last night though. My eating has also stayed pretty much on track through all of it.

My workouts both included the bike, and even though I have Katie's 5K tomorrow, I haven't done any practice walks on my treadmill. It'll have to be on my treadmill and not outdoors because my husband works tomorrow and won't be able to watch the little one for me. When I did a 5k in November, I was able to do it at my local Nature Trail. It's off a lake, and goes up into the woods (a paved road). It's so beautiful and peaceful there. It's only 2000 feet from bottom to top and winds up through the woods. So I have to walk it, along with the riverwalk/boardwalk, about 3 times to get my 3 miles in.

So even though I haven't done any practice walks, I ready for it. I think I set a finish goal of less than 48 minutes, but the one I did in November was 46 minutes so I'm going to try to beat that time.

I don't think I am going to work out tonight, so I only got three workouts in this week. Still totaled over two hours in my three days though, so I can't be upset about that. I'm going to have to start setting weekly goals for myself so I know exactly what I want to accomplish for the week and review them at the end of the week.

My speed is improving!

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